
Installation of wells executed by the hollow stem auger method, mud rotary method, jetting, hand auguring and direct push technology.
Geotechnical, Exploration, & Water Resources
Every once in a while Huss Drilling Inc. is asked to do some strange things and this project is a fine example. Apparently years ago a well on a site was abandoned by simply pumping grout inside the drop pipe of a well that had a submersible pump in it. The contractor at the time was unable to remove the pump so they pushed the pump to the bottom of the well and pumped grout thru the drop pipe. The consultant on the project desired grout to be pumped from the bottom of the well and between the drop pipe and borehole. This would require drilling a hole thru the pump and submersible motor and then pumping the grout. The task was accomplished by drilling out the grout with a conventional tri-cone roller bit and then coring out the center of the old submersible pump with a dual tube diamond bit core barrel. The well was successfully grouted and the casing removed. The retrieved core was a real interesting sight.
Below are more photos of Huss Drilling's Capabilities.
Well Rehabilitation

Submersible Pump & Water Well Services